Kathy Westmoreland: Elvis' Voice of an Angel
contains 43 photos including
numerous pictures of Elvis and Kathy
famed Elvis photographers
Bob Heis
Keith Alverson
This book spans Kathy's life before, during and after her years
with Elvis Presley and includes interviews with friends
from all three eras.
It was in August of 1970, right after the release of That's The Way It Is,
that the new soprano by the name of Kathy Westmoreland
entered the picture.
Kathy, as we soon found out, was not only Elvis' high voice singer, but
also his confident, close friend and lover. Kathy continued to
stand by his side until his death in 1977.
As Kathy's webmaster, personal assistant, and close friend, I've
gotten to know the woman Elvis introduced to us as,
"the little girl with the beautiful high voice." Getting to know
this wonderful, crazy personality has been a total delight, and
one that needs to be shared with the world.
It is with great pleasure I introduce to you,
Kathy Westmoreland:
Contributors to the book
Elvis' Voice of an Angel
Larry Geller: Elvis Presley’s personal hairstylist, spiritual mentor, and friend. It was
not only the beauty of Kathy’s ‘voice of an angel’ that impressed Elvis, but the depth of
understanding of her soul.
Ronnie Mabe: Toured with the Elvis show from 1974 to 1977. I grew up loving musicals, but I
was the only one I knew who really loved them--that is, until I met Kathy. She knew all the lyrics and dance steps to all the great musicals. With her mom being a professional dancer, and her dad
a professional singer, she also had that special inherited talent for both.
Sandi Pichon: Author of Elvis, Elvis, Elvis and Elvis on Tour 1975. Kathy was a class
act and the look on Elvis' face when she would hit those high notes showed his appreciation of her.
Everyone always loved Kathy. She was friendly, not stuck up, and so gorgeous. Her little figure
in those skimpy clothes was just precious. The men all thought she was THE BOMB.
Morris Walker: 1962 Classmate of Kathy’s and author of Steve Martin, The Magic Years.
Kathy Westmoreland was a wonderfully attractive and vibrant girl who arrived at school from
Steven’s home state of Texas. The first day she arrived, she strolled by our classroom window
and immediately stole our hearts. One of the main things I remember about Kathy, is how she fell
right in with Steve and me, right off pulling off fakes, pranks and comedy routines both on
campus and in class.
Loxi Sibley: Well-known Elvis Artist. Kathy Westmoreland is one of the most beautiful, talented and sweetest people that I've ever had the pleasure of knowing.
Bud Glass: Author of Elvis: Behind the Image. My close friendship with Kat has enriched my life,
and I can honestly say that I am a better person because of her influence.
Darrin Lee: Author of Desert Storm. While interviewing Kathy Westmoreland I realized what
anybody who has spent much time with her already knows: she has an infectious laugh, charm, a
beautiful spirit and adores Elvis Presley.
Melody Sanders: Author and well known columnist. I have to admit that I have never really
thought of Kathy without thinking of Elvis, but I was soon to find out during our weekend in Las Vegas, that Kathy herself was a star long before Elvis pulled her to the stage.
To order the book
To order the book